Search Results for: manning

Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois College of Law:"The Disney trial on the hiring and firing of Ovitz continued yesterday with Eisner's direct testimony. As previewed here, Eisner will have to draw a fine line between justifying hiring Ovitz, and justifying...


JURIST Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego says that the massive US assault on Fallujah is but the latest instance of illegal American aggression in Iraq, undertaken with disregard for international treaties and...


The US Supreme Court Monday reversed the death sentence of a Texas man because jurors were not instructed to consider mitigating evidence when deliberating on the sentence. LaRoyce Lathair Smith was convicted of murdering a former co-worker during an...


Peter Friedman, Case Western Reserve Law School:"Alberto Gonzalez, the nominee to be chief law enforcement officer of the land, prepared 57 confidential memos on the merits of granting death-row inmates clemency. 56 of the inmates were executed. As Philip Carter...