Search Results for: manning

Hundreds of people protested on Saturday in Botswana’s capital Gaborone against a bill seeking to make same-sex relations legal. Botswana’s parliament was forced to introduce the bill legalizing same-sex relations pursuant to a 2019 ruling of the High Court of Botswana, which held that laws criminalizing same-sex relations are unconstitutional. The case was brought by [...]


Hong Kong’s Eastern Magistrates’ Courts sentenced photographer Cheng Wing-chun to three months prison on Thursday for violating the National Anthem Ordinance. Cheng, who was found guilty on July 5, is the first person tried under the ordinance. Cheng was convicted because he purportedly insulted the Chinese national anthem by replacing the anthem with “Glory to [...]


Aynsley Genga is a JURIST Senior Correspondent in Kenya. She files this dispatch from Nairobi.   On Thursday, July 20th, Kenya entered its second day of demonstrations, in a series of nationwide opposition protests planned from Wednesday to Friday this week. Since Wednesday, most businesses have been closed, either in support of the protests or due [...]


The Pakistan government banned a total of 43 apps Tuesday to tackle unregistered loan companies and safeguard consumers from fraudulent services. The order was made by the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication(MOITT) amid public outrage that broke out when a Rawalpindi man committed suicide after accruing substantial debt. Along with promptly blocking these apps, [...]


Belarusian law students enrolled at European Humanities University are filing reports with JURIST on current circumstances in Belarus under the constitutionally-disputed presidency of Alexander Lukashenka. Katsiaryna Vasilionak files this dispatch from Vilnius, Lithuania.   On the night of July 11, Belarusian political prisoner artist Ales Pushkin died in the intensive care unit of a hospital in [...]


A Hong Kong court sentenced a man on Friday to 18 days in jail for “insulting” the national flag and regional flag, according to Hong Kong Free Press. The man, Yung Ching-man, was charged with one count of desecrating the Chinese national flag and one count of insulting the regional flag. Yung was arrested for [...]