Search Results for: petitioners

Introduction As the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus and its domino effect on the economy intensifies, contractual parties have started to consider the need to modify or terminate their existing contracts. Not to mention, parties have progressively invoked force majeure provisions due to non-performance. The doctrine of supervening impossibility/frustration is cherished in the Indian [...]


The US Supreme Court concluded oral arguments on Wednesday for the October 2019 term by hearing two cases that may impact the upcoming presidential election. Chiafalo v. Washington and Colorado Department of State v. Baca both ask whether the Constitution prevents a state from requiring its presidential electors to comply with the state’s popular vote [...]


The US Supreme Court heard remote oral arguments on Monday in cases involving a state’s jurisdiction on Native American lands for crimes committed and employment discrimination in religious schools. McGirt v. Oklahoma which asks whether the state of Oklahoma has the jurisdiction to prosecute a crime committed within the historical boundaries of a reservation. In the [...]


As the entire world is groped by the life threatening Coronavirus, our Prime Minister launched the PM CARES Fund through a thread of tweets on March 28, 2020 to gather public contributions to fight against the pandemic. Within the first 15 minutes of the launch of the fund, it began receiving huge donations. Within 25 [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral argument via teleconference the case of United States Patent and Trademark Office v. B.V. The case presents the question of “hether, when the Lanham Act states generic terms may not be registered as trademarks, the addition by an online business of a generic top-level domain (‘.com’) to an [...]


US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered the Pennsylvania government to respond to arguments that Governor Tom Wolf’s stay-at-home order is unconstitutional. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court gave Pennsylvania until May 4 to respond to a petition that accuses the commonwealth of violating the constitutional rights of its citizens. The petition was brought by Friends [...]


A group of Pennsylvania businesses petitioned the US Supreme Court Monday in their lawsuit seeking to overturn Governor Tom Wolf’s March 19 executive order closing “non-life-sustaining” business in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last Friday the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied their request to stay the order, finding that the group had “not established any basis [...]


In a 2-1 decision delivered Tuesday, the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit denied a writ of mandamus from Courtney Wild, one of the survivors of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking and child abuse. Wild submitted her petition arguing that the negotiations of federal prosecutors to enter a non-prosecution agreement (NPA) with Epstein in [...]