Search Results for: Ukraine

Russia accused Ukraine on Saturday of using internationally prohibited cluster munitions in strikes on the city of Belgorod in Russia. The country’s Permanent Representative the UN Security Council called the strikes “indiscriminate” and said they killed 18 people, including three children, in addition to injuring 108 others. Russia called for an emergency meeting of the [...]


South Africa initiated proceedings against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday, according to a press release from the ICJ. South Africa alleges that Israel’s actions during its military operations in Gaza violate the UN’s 1948 Genocide Convention. Particularly, South Africa claims that Israel has engaged in, is engaging in and risks [...]


In its annual report, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) revealed that 45 journalists were killed in line with their work in 2023, marking the lowest total since 2002. The report also revealed that 54 journalists were held hostage, 84 remain missing and 521 are currently detained. The report identified varying trends contributing to these numbers, such [...]


Every December 10th, international lawyers, governments, and advocacy groups commemorate Human Rights Day. This marks the day in 1948 when, improbably, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in Paris by a nascent United Nations General Assembly under the leadership of Eleanor Roosevelt. This year, as the Declaration turned 75, I found myself in [...]


The Turkish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee approved Sweden’s NATO membership on Tuesday. This is the first step in Türkiye’s process to full approval, which entails submission to the General Assembly of the Turkish Parliament, followed by ratification from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Upon successful ratification, Hungary will be the final NATO member to approve Sweden’s [...]


The Basmanny District Court of Moscow ruled to arrest Ukrainian Intelligence Chief Kyrylo Budanov in absentia for the second time this year, accusing him of committing over 104 crimes including acts of terror. Budanov, who heads the Ukrainian intelligence agency Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (GUR), has been involved [...]


The Republic of Azerbaijan on Monday declared two French embassy employees as “personea-non-gratae.” In a press release, the Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the employees engaged in actions “incompatible with their diplomatic status,” and in contraction to the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The two employees have 48 hours to leave the [...]


The Ukrainian Kyiv Court of Appeal overturned the acquittal verdict of the Dniprovskyi District Court of Kyiv regarding a former policeman of the Berkut Military Police, sentencing him to six years in prison. The appellate court found that the officer deliberately caused severe physical pain and physical and moral suffering to two Revolution of Dignity [...]


The Russian authorities opened 70 cases in 2023, either for state treason or for confidential cooperation with a foreign state or organization, according to a report from the human rights organization Perviy Otdel, comprising Russian activist lawyers, released on Thursday detailing the alarming outcomes of the year. Out of the 70 new cases initiated in [...]


US President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday sanctioning the Russian defense industry. The order comes amidst a congressional deadlock over further US funding to Ukraine in their ongoing war against Russia. The most recent executive order (EO) is an amendment to two orders: EO 14024 “Blocking Property With Respect To Specified Harmful [...]