Search Results for: Tim Zubizarreta

Another day, another mass primal scream of “Oh, what fresh hell is this?” as PA Bar examinees are faced with more callousness, indifference, and willful ignorance on the part of the PA Board of Law Examiners (PABOLE). PA bar applicants are in the middle of month 6 of studying for an exam that was supposed [...]


An August 5, 2020 webinar organized by the University of Miami received a great deal of attention for remarks made by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) president Judith Gunderson suggesting that NCBE critics might encounter difficulties with their character and fitness evaluations. I was equally struck, though, by a remark made later in [...]


Now is the time for many state authorities to act decisively to avert more pandemic driven bar exam chaos. Without prompt action more testing failures, disruption, and delays are almost certain. The evidence is in. The case is open and shut. Conventional in-person bar exams cannot and need not be held, at least so long [...]


Since March 2020, the American legal community has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation sits on the brink of financial and housing, healthcare, election, and immigration crises, state supreme courts and bar examiners insist on implementing the bar exam, further delaying the licensure of thousands of incoming attorneys. Their ostensible reason? To [...]


The death of Iranian major general Qasem Soleimani, on January 3, 2020, revived the discussions and interpretations regarding national security on the international scene, the “right to protect”, the legitimate defense and the legality of the attack that caused his death through the United States’ unilateral intervention. This is an old worldwide discussion, with countless [...]


On 28th July 2020, a judge in San Salvador sentenced three policemen named Jaime Geovany Mendoza Rivas, Luis Alfredo Avelar Sandoval and Carlos Valentín Rosales Carpio to 20 years in Prison. In January 2019, these police officers committed Aggravated Homicide of a transgender woman named Camila Diaz Cordova. This judgement is a cardinal step for [...]


In India, a new education policy typically comes along only once every few decades. The first education policy was in 1968, introduced by the administration under Mrs. Indira Gandhi. This was replaced by the National education policy in 1986, by her son Mr. Rajiv Gandhi who was Prime Minister at that time. A few years [...]


Recently a Canadian court threw out the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) with the USA because the detention centers in the USA violate the human rights of refugees. This pact compels the refugees seeking asylum in Canada through the US-Canadian border to first seek asylum in the USA. This pact was challenged last year by [...]


India’s $265 billion COVID relief package has been criticized by many experts as falling short of expectations. In a speech before releasing the package, the Indian Prime Minister declared that the package will focus on land, labor, liquidity, and laws. The majority of the discussion has been around the proportion of fiscal and liquidity relief [...]