Search Results for: Ukraine

Human Rights Watch (HRW)  released its 2024 World Report on Thursday detailing the state of global human rights. The report’s central theme was that “transactional diplomacy” undermined global human rights institutions and enabled autocrats to worsen violations. HRW Executive Director Tiran Hassan described “transactional diplomacy” as when “governments disregard the benefits of long-term relationships built [...]


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Thursday that the U.S. State Department has imposed sanctions on one individual and three Russian entities engaged in transferring and testing North Korea’s ballistic missiles, intended for use by Russia against Ukraine. The entities and individual subject to US-imposed sanctions include the 224th Flight Unit State Airlines, [...]


A Ukrainian draft law tightening the rules of mobilization, military registration and military service in Ukraine has been returned to the government for revision, head of the parliamentary faction David Arakhamia said on Thursday. According to him, a closed-door meeting to discuss the law between the military command and the Conciliation Board took place on [...]


The US House Homeland Security Committee held its first impeachment hearing on Wednesday into Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The hearing was initiated by House Republicans who accused Mayorkas of failing to follow immigration law and of violating the public trust as border crossings have reached record levels. Chairman Mark Greene (R-TN) of the Homeland [...]


The Interior Minister of Finland Mari Rantanen announced in a press briefing on Thursday that Finland has decided to prolong the closure of its border crossing points with Russia until February 11, beyond the initially scheduled end date of January 15. The briefing states that Russia facilitated “instrumentalized migration”, which refers to intentionally creating cross-border [...]


Finnish member of the European Parliament (EP) Petri Sarvamaa announced Tuesday that he launched a petition to deprive Hungary of its right to vote in the EU’s decision-making council. The petition is open for signatures by members till Friday. Sarvamaa shared the petition, which is addressed to the President of the EP Roberta Metsola, on [...]


The Ostankino District Court of Moscow announced that it detained US citizen Robert Woodland Romanov for two months on Tuesday. He has been accused of violating provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the large-scale production, sale or possession of illegal drugs. Robert Woodland-Romanov faces up to 20 years in prison or [...]


Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Ukraine have collectively initiated dispute settlement proceedings Monday against the Islamic Republic of Iran before the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), alleging the use of weapons against passenger flight PS752. These countries already filed a joint application instituting proceedings against Iran before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), claiming that [...]


Poland’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czeslaw Siekierski signed an agreement on Saturday with Teresa Kubas-Hul, the provincial governor of Pokarpackie, and Roman Kondrow, the representative of the farmer group Oszukana Wieś (Deceived Village), to suspend the months-long blockade of the border crossing point with Ukraine at Medyka. Under the agreement, the minister promised [...]