Search Results for: organized crime

British Attorney General Lord Peter Goldsmith provided new details in a speech Tuesday on the creation of a proposed UK crime-fighting agency similar to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation. The new institution, to be called the...


Survivors and families of victims of last week's tsunami disaster in South Asia are falling prey to thieves, rapists, kidnappers and hoaxers. Sri Lanka's Women and Media Collective said Monday that they "have received reports of incidents of rape,...


Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School:"Frank Quattrone, former star high tech investment banker at Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), was permanently barred from the securities industry and fined $30,000 by the NASD yesterday (Nov. 22).  Quattrone was convicted this...


Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School:"New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer dropped another shoe from his closet on an insurance company, although it was not Aon Corp., about which there was some speculation when Spitzer announced that another suit...