Search Results for: petitioners

A group of more than 350 electors filed suit against the Electoral Commission in the High Court of New Zealand Sunday seeking to have the results of the country’s recent cannabis referendum dismissed. In October, 50.7 percent of New Zealand voters responded “No” to the cannabis referendum question “Do you support the proposed Cannabis Legalisation [...]


The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the Trump campaign’s attempt to have more than 220,000 absentee ballots discounted. The ruling serves as another blow to the campaign’s legal challenges contesting the results of the November presidential election. The original complaint stated that the Wisconsin vote recount contained “mistakes, irregularities and illegal behavior,” which led to [...]


As the daily cases of COVID-19 in India have proved all the expected rates of decline wrong, the Government continues to rely on the 123-year-old Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 (“The Act”) to try and bring some semblance of control to the situation. The Supreme Court, in a decision dated 17th November 2020, refused to adjudicate [...]


The US Supreme Court granted certiorari Friday in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid. The case challenges union power in California’s nearly $50 billion agricultural industry by questioning a regulation that allows union organizers access to agricultural businesses. For three hours a day, 120 days a year, union organizers may meet with agricultural employees at their workplaces [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments for both Niz-Chavez v. Barr and Brownback v. King, concerning serving notice and a judgment bar under the Federal Tort Claims Act, respectively. The issue on appeal in Niz-Chavez was whether, to serve notice in accordance with 8 USC § 1229(a) and trigger the stop-time rule, the government [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday granted certiorari in two cases challenging the appointment of Social Security Administration (SSA) judges who denied the petitioners’ requests for disability benefits. Carr v. Saul and Davis v. Saul will be consolidated to decide whether an Appointments Clause challenge needs to be raised at the administrative proceeding and not [...]