Search Results for: political question

JURIST Guest Columnists Victor Hansen and Lawrence Friedman of New England School of Law say if Congress wants to reverse the recent trend of being a bystander to critical national security policymaking, it must work with the president to create...


JURIST Guest Columnist Jordan Paust of University of Houston Law Center says that revolutions occur in different manners around the world, including in the US, and suggests that the US and other members of the UN should change their foreign...


Three Indonesian soldiers accused of torturing Papuan detainees received prison sentences Monday of less than one year. Citing lack of evidence , a military judge convicted the men of the lesser crime of insubordination instead of torture....


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Amanda M. Klasing, of Human Rights Watch says that following the first anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti, the international community and government of Haiti should allow Haitians to participate more in decision-making and increase accountability...