Search Results for: journalist protection

Hong Kong’s press freedom score dropped four times in four consecutive years, said the Hong Kong Journalist’s Association Friday when releasing its Press Freedom Index for 2023. The index was created in 2013 and is calculated from ratings given by Hong Kong journalists and the general public. In 2018, Hong Kong’s press freedom score was [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled Friday in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis that a Colorado-based web designer cannot be compelled to create wedding websites for LGBTQ+ couples, despite the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) which protects LGBTQ+ people from discrimination in public accommodations. The Court determined that forcing the designer to comply with CADA would violate [...]


The UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights released a report Tuesday on the bulk collection and retention of confidential journalistic material under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 and the draft Remedial Order proposed to change the Act, calling the changes inadequate to protect journalists and their sources. We have published our report on the [...]


Following global practice — including that of the U.S. military justice system — the Pakistan Army Act builds on maintaining good order and discipline among service members, as no military can effectively function without strict discipline. The court-martial, that is, trial by military officers of breaches of service-connected discipline, including crimes, sits at the heart [...]


American author Edward Bellamy once described history as a cyclical process that “returned to the point of beginning”, claiming “the idea of indefinite progress in a right line was a chimera of the imagination, with no analog in nature.” Unfortunately, this perfectly encapsulates the current state of affairs in Pakistan. Politics in Pakistan seem to [...]


The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal quashed the conviction of journalist Choi Yuk-ling on Monday regarding her investigation into the 2019 Yuen Long attack. The court unanimously quashed Choi’s conviction by adopting a more liberal approach, which took into account Choi’s journalistic background. The court contended that the liberal approach is preferable to protect [...]


A spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitri Peskov announced on Sunday that journalists from ‘unfriendly countries’ were banned from covering St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) which is scheduled for mid June. The ban, announced just days before the event, effectively prohibits independent media organizations and critical journalists from reporting on one of Russia’s most prominent [...]