Search Results for: alito

The US Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in Nielsen v. Preap that immigrants who have committed certain crimes are not entitled to a bond hearing and once detained can be held in federal custody until their removal proceedings are resolved. In an opinion by Justice Samuel Alito, the Supreme Court overturned two Ninth Circuit decisions (Preap v. [...]


US Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Elena Kagan testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the House Committee on Appropriations on Thursday regarding the court’s budget for 2020. In Alito’s opening statement to the House, he said the that the request would come in two parts. The [...]


The US Supreme Court held Wednesday that the Sixth Amendment‘s presumption of prejudice of ineffective counsel applies to situations in which an attorney declines to file an appeal because an appeal waiver was signed as part of a plea agreement. The case, Garza v. Idaho, centered on Petitioner Gilberto Garza’s claim that his lawyer offered ineffective [...]


Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill Jr. filed a petition with the US Supreme Court Monday asking the court to determine whether the state’s law requiring an ultrasound be performed at least 18 hours before receiving an abortion is constitutional. In 2016 the Indiana General Assembly enacted House Enrolled Act 1337, imposing strict limits on medical [...]


US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issued a stay on Friday on behalf of the other justices in June Medical Services LLC., et al v. Gee, a case reviewing Louisiana Act 620, the Unsafe Abortion Protection Act. Act 620 was passed in 2014 and required any doctor performing an abortion to have admitting privileges at [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday denied certiorari in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, which involved a football coach at a public high school who claimed that school officials retaliated against him for engaging in prayer on the field. The case raised the question of how public-sector employers must balance their dual obligations under the [...]


The US Supreme Court on Friday denied a request by the Trump administration to enforce new asylum rules. The new immigration rule, made via Presidential Proclamation November 9, sought to immediately deny asylum to migrants who illegally cross the southern border into the US. In Trump’s applicatinn for the Supreme Court to stay the Ninth Circuit’s [...]


The US Supreme Court declined to review two cases on Monday about a state’s ability to defund Planned Parenthood. By denying certiorari in Andersen v. Planned Parenthood and Gee v. Planned Parenthood, the Supreme Court let decisions from the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth and Tenth Circuits stand. Both held that 42 USC § 1396a(a)(23)  allows Medicaid [...]


The Supreme Court declined Monday to review a 2016 case brought by various broadband service providers challenging Federal Communications Commission (FCC) net neutrality protections from the Obama era. The present case comes from the FCC of the Obama Administration issued the 2015 Open Internet Order, which reclassified broadband providers to be “common carriers” obligated to [...]