Search Results for: Ukraine

Russian human rights activist Oleg Orlov has been sentenced to two and a half years in a prison colony, his organization, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Memorial, announced Tuesday. Orlov was convicted under Article 280.3 of the Russian Criminal Code, which prohibits the discrediting of the Russian armed forces. The charges arose from an article he [...]


Copenhagen police concluded investigations into the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipeline explosions from 2022 on Monday. Although the police concluded that there was “deliberate sabotage,” they declared that there were insufficient grounds to pursue a criminal case in connection with the incidents. The police also clarified that they would not provide further comments on [...]


Hungary’s parliament voted to ratify Sweden’s membership bid to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on Monday, officially becoming the final NATO nation to approve of Sweden’s accession. As a result, Sweden is poised to become the thiry-second NATO member state upon formal invitation of NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. Article 10 of the NATO Treaty [...]


Bulgarian authorities announced Monday that they had imposed an entry ban on two Russian nationals, alleging that they had set up false identities in order to engage in espionage. In the statement, they said that Vladimir Nikolayevich Gorochkin and Tatiana Anatolievna Gorochkina have been banned from entry and residence in the territory of any member [...]


As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine bleeds into its third year, JURIST spoke with Anton Korynevych, Ambassador-at-large for Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an expert in international criminal law. In their discussion, Korynevych and JURIST Interviews Managing Editor James Joseph discussed the imperative of establishing a Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine, [...]


President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday that 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed since Russia’s full-scale invasion two years ago. This was Zelensky’s first release in over a year of public casualty figures since the beginning of Russia’s invasion, which has garnered accusations of violations of international law. Zelensky did not disclose the number of [...]


Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin announced Friday at the War Crimes Conference 2024, a day before the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, that Ukraine is in the process of investigating 120,000 potential Russian war crimes. Kostin spoke with Reuters at the conference in Berlin, affirming that Ukraine has “identified already 511 perpetrators” [...]


The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) reported Friday that it has asked Russia for the early release of Indian nationals working in “support jobs” for the Russian army. The MEA also cautioned Indian nationals to stay away from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. MEA’s official spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal, in response to media queries regarding “Indians caught [...]


President Biden announced in a statement on Friday over 500 new sanctions on Russian entities, one day before the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and less than a week after the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The sanctions target “individuals connected to Navalny’s imprisonment as well as Russia’s financial sector, defense industrial [...]


Albania’s Parliament approved a deal with Italy on Thursday to hold migrants rescued from international waters at Italian-run processing centers. Amnesty International previously condemned the plan to create migrant detention centers under Italian jurisdiction in Albania, calling the deal “unworkable, harmful and unlawful.” The plan is to create two centers in Albania, one at the [...]