Search Results for: alito

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in two cases on Monday, including the first high-profile gun control law case in over a decade. In New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. City of New York, the court heard arguments in its first major gun control case since District of Columbia v. Heller dramatically [...]


Nine years ago, President Obama signed into law a bill proscribing the distribution of so-called “animal crush” videos, which are depictions of a practice that is as disturbing as it sounds: the killing of animals (puppies, kittens, mice, bunnies, goats, and others) slowly and excruciatingly, often by provocatively-dressed women who stand on the animals while [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled Thursday in Mitchell v. Wisconsin, a case surrounding the administration of a warrantless blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test to Mitchell who was unconscious at the time of the test. Justice Samuel Alito wrote that in such circumstances where the driver is unconscious, the court holds that the “exigent circumstances rule [...]


The US Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned a Tennessee law that required applicants wishing to sell alcohol to maintain Tennessee residency. Tennessee currently imposes demanding residential requirements for anyone looking to participate in the distribution of alcohol in the state. Tennessee requires individuals seeking a liquor license to be in-state residence for at least two [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday denied a seaman the right to punitive damages for an unseaworthiness claim. Christopher Batterton was a deckhand for The Dutra Group on various vessels. Batterton’s hand was permanently damaged when a hatch blew open and crushed it due to a buildup of pressurized air below deck. Batterton sued The [...]


The Supreme Court held on Thursday that Congress did not transgress the nondelegation doctrine by allowing the Attorney General to decide how the registration requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) should apply to individuals convicted prior to the statute’s enactment. Justice Kagan announced the judgment of the court and was joined [...]


The Supreme Court of the United States in a 7-2 decision held on Thursday that the 40 foot tall Bladensburg Memorial Cross is Constitutional, does not violate the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, and does not have to be removed, in a reversal of the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit’s decision. Justices Ginsburg and [...]