Search Results for: journalist protection

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Thursday urged Ugandan authorities to release journalists Dickson Mubiru and Alirabaki Sengooba and to drop the charges against them. This appeal follows the journalists’ arrest for publishing information without a broadcast license. The CPJ views the convictions as an attempt to silence critical reporting. Mubiru, managing editor of [...]


Here, the author Pitasanna Shanmugathas a graduate from Vermont Law looks at the reprisals faced by prominent whistleblowers in the wake of Julian Assange’s release, and the threat whistleblower prosecutions raise to media freedom and the principles of transparency and accountability in government… The release of Julian Assange after years of legal battles highlights the [...]


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Tuesday called on Iraqi Kurdish authorities to “immediately and unconditionally” release Syrian journalist, Sleman Ahmed. Ahmed has been detained for eight months and is facing a charge of espionage under acts of endangering the national security of the Kurdistan Region. He has already faced restrictions accessing legal representation [...]


The UN launched on Monday the Global Principles for Information Integrity, aiming at tackling the misinformation, disinformation and hate speech spread at high scales in the new technological era. The proposal includes five principles. First is societal trust and resilience. Here, the confidence people have in different sources of information is key. With the emergence [...]


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Friday urged the Nigerian authorities to release and drop the charges against journalist Precious Eze Chukwunonso, the publisher of the privately owned outlet News Platform. Chukwunonso has been in detention for almost three weeks following a complaint about his reporting. Muthoki Mumo, CPJ’s Africa Program Coordinator, called on [...]


South Australia’s Supreme Court of Appeal rejected Australian Taxation Office (ATO) whistleblower Richard Boyle’s appeal to secure immunity from prosecution under section 10(1)(a) of Australia’s Federal Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Act on Wednesday. Boyle was prosecuted upon blowing the whistle on alleged unethical debt recovery practices at the ATO. He disclosed these debt recovery practices [...]


Reporters Without Borders (RSF) warned on Wednesday about the possibility of Nigerien authorities using the country’s revised cybercrime law to censor and imprison journalists. New amendments to the law reintroduced prison sentences for defamation, insults, and dissemination of data that could disrupt public order via the Internet. On June 7, 2024, the head of Niger’s [...]


UN Special Rapporteur Mary Lawlor warned on Wednesday that human rights defenders are increasingly targeted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), especially in the eastern region of the country, amid intensifying armed conflict. Lawlor said that human rights defenders in the DRC are continuously intimidated, attacked and killed even though authorities have been [...]


Aynsley Genga is JURIST’s senior Kenya correspondent. She files this from Nairobi. What is democracy? At its core, democracy embodies the will of the people. While definitions may vary, democracy is fundamentally a system of governance where the people’s voices are not only heard, but honored. In a true democracy, laws are crafted to serve [...]