Search Results for: Americans United for Separation Church AND State

French Muslims are in the process of reconciling with the Fifth Republic of France, established with the 1958 Constitution, which declares France to be a secular state. In the past thirty years, secular issues have fractured social order as Muslim women, born and raised in France, wish to wear the hijab (headscarf) in schools and [...]


Recently a Canadian court threw out the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) with the USA because the detention centers in the USA violate the human rights of refugees. This pact compels the refugees seeking asylum in Canada through the US-Canadian border to first seek asylum in the USA. This pact was challenged last year by [...]


In Irvine, nestled in the heart of wealthy Orange County, California, hidden within a technology business park replete with vibrant, meticulously manicured landscaping, sits an empty jail. The unnecessary James A. Musick Facility, operated by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, a department known for scandal, violence, and negligence, is slated for expansion. Rather than putting [...]


“Tis bitter cold, and I am sick at heart.” – Hamlet For an afflicted American nation, it never seems to end. On June 1, 2020, President Donald J. Trump once again openly defiled US Constitutional protections of free speech and assembly, on this occasion by gratuitously violent treatment of law-abiding civilian demonstrators. A week later, [...]


“I believe” is the one great word against metaphysical fear. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West At least one thing is clear. Those terrorists who carried out the Easter Sunday attacks on certain Sri Lankan churches and hotels would have resonated with Oswald Spengler’s urgent affirmation. “I believe” was plainly at the conceptual core of [...]


To separate kids from their parents is an act that is so deplorable and so inhumane, it speaks to a complete corruption in morality of this administration. . . – Jagmeet Singh, Canada’s New Democratic Party Leader The US is violating its own human-rights obligations through some of its recent immigration-related actions, most shockingly its [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist William G. Ross of Samford University's Cumberland School of Law discusses the constitutional legacy of the First World War... American entry into the First World War one hundred years ago, on April 6, 1917, generated significant constitutional...