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The ongoing conflicts in Ethiopia have laid bare the country’s deep-seated divisions and the devastating toll of unchecked violence on civilian populations. From the Tigray region to the Amhara and Oromia areas, the people of Ethiopia have endured unimaginable suffering, with atrocities committed by all sides in flagrant violation of international law. At the heart of this [...]


In legend, Achilles, Greek warrior and hero of the Trojan War, fought Trojan prince Hector to avenge the death of his friend Patroclus. Hector had killed Patroclus, and he planned to cut off Patroclus’ head and give his body to the dogs for food. Before the fight, Hector waits for Achilles and then proposes that [...]


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy submitted a bill on Thursday that would ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The bill would establish Ukraine as a member state over which the ICC can exercise jurisdiction. Zelenskyy also introduced Bill 11484, which would amend certain provisions of the Ukrainian Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure [...]


Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan is experiencing severe human rights abuses, notably against women and ethnic minorities, amid socio-political and humanitarian crises. In this piece, the authors analyze the severe human rights challenges in Afghanistan, particularly focusing on the plight of women under the Taliban and historical patterns of gender inequality. They propose federalism as a [...]


The United Nations’ International Organisation for Migration (IOM) warned that famine and floods will add to the ongoing challenges in Sudan on Monday. Sudan already faces displacement and significant loss of life after more than a year of civil war. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) have reported famine conditions near Al Fashir in northern [...]


Peru’s government enacted a controversial law on Friday that prevents the prosecution of crimes against humanity committed before 2002, following the approval of legislative initiative 6951/2023-CR by the Peruvian Congress on July 4. This decision notably favors former President Alberto Fujimori and hundreds of military personnel involved in the country’s internal armed conflict between 1980 [...]


Senator Penny Wong on Saturday condemned the statements made by the Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich surrounding the military justification for the purposeful starvation of Palestinians, in the statement on her social media X (formerly Twitter). Her statement reports, “Australia joins international partners, including the United Kingdom, Germany and France, in condemning the comments made [...]


Credo quia absurdum, “I believe because it is absurd.” Tertullian For conspicuous reasons, the likelihood of direct war between Israel and Iran is increasingly “high.”  What remains inconspicuous is that such a war could quickly or incrementally involve North Korean military assets. Even if Israel were able to keep Iran pre-nuclear, an already nuclear North [...]


UN experts in Geneva issued a press release urging the Australian government to immediately fulfill its commitment to compensate the families of 39 murdered victims of war crimes in Afghanistan in adherence to International Human Rights Law (IHRL) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) on Wednesday. A military inquiry that was conducted in 2020 indicated that [...]