Search Results for: illegal immigration

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments in HollyFrontier Cheyenne Refining, LLC v Renewable Fuels Association, a case regarding exemptions for small refineries from the Renewable Fuel Standards Program, and United States v Palomar-Santiago, which involves immigration law and noncitizen re-entry. HollyFrontier concerns the Clean Air Act‘s biofuels mandate to replace crude oil with [...]


California Governor Gavin Newsom faces a special recall election after a Republican-sponsored petition to remove him from office surpassed its signature goal Monday. Backers submitted 1,626,042 voter signatures, exceeding the minimum number needed to trigger a recall election. On Monday, California Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber announced that the valid signatures contained in the [...]


A rally in Japan on Thursday highlighted major opposition to proposed immigration reform currently under consideration in the National Diet. The proposed reform is seen as an even further tightening of Japan’s selective refugee system. The rally, “Open the Gate For All”, was attended by opposition lawmakers and human rights organizations like Amnesty International Japan and [...]


The Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments in two cases involving one of its own precedents regarding felony firearms possession. The issues in both cases involves the federal law that prohibits felons from possessing firearms, 18 USC §922(g). Two years ago in Rehaif v. United States the Court held that in order to convict [...]


Since the attacks on the Capitol on January 6th, calls both for and against expanded domestic terrorism authorities have proliferated. Proponents argue that we have allowed bias and blindness to open us to a steadily expanding domestic terror threat and that we need the capabilities provided in the international context. Opponents have pointed out that [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday rescinded the Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy introduced by former president Donald Trump’s administration. This policy prohibited illegal entry into the US and enforced strict punishments for violators, often resulting in family separations. While introducing this policy, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions had said, “To those who wish [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) “did not effectively plan for … the impact that family unit adult prosecutions would have on children,” despite awareness from senior DOJ leadership that the program would lead to the separation of children, according to a report Thursday from the DOJ Office of the Inspector General reviewing the implementation [...]