Search Results for: hamdan

JURIST Guest Columnist Carl Tobias of the University of Richmond School of Law says although leading Republican senators are to be praised for advancing legislation to protect detainees and give them a fair trial before military commissions, there are still...


JURIST Guest Columnist David Scheffer, former US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues (1997-2001), now at Northwestern University School of Law, says that the new "compromise" language on detainee treatment included in the latest version of the military commissions...


JURIST Guest Columnist Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that the "compromise" between senior Republican lawmakers and the White House on the terms of military commission legislation governing detainee interrogation and trial provides US interrogators with...


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Jonathan Hafetz, Associate Counsel with the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, says that the Bush administration's post-9/11 detainee policies - most recently evidenced in the proposed military commissions bill that...


Ben Davis : "The President in his televised press conference today framed the discussion of the draft bill on Military Commissions in terms of whether Congress was going to permit "the Program" to go forward....


JURIST Guest Columnist John Bickers of Chase College of Law, Northern Kentucky University, says that for all the attention being paid to the procedures proposed for new US military commissions, how those procedures are used - who is to be...