Search Results for: Ukraine

Anna Ryzhova, Kyiv, Ukraine:"Yesterday, Dec. 8th, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted a number of landmark lawmaking decisions. The purpose of these decisions was to apply measures that would prevent fraud in future elections, to remove some powers from the presidency,...


Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma signed a decree Thursday effectively firing the country's Prosecutor-General, according to Russia's Interfax news agency. Gennady Vasilyev had submitted his resignation Wednesday, which Kuchma had accepted as part of a parliamentary deal to pass a...


Anna Ryzhova, Kyiv, Ukraine:"Three events featured on Ukraine's political landscape yesterday, all of which went someway towards resolving the political impasse brought on by the scandalous Presidential election.First, the Parliament of Ukraine agreed to hold its extraordinary meeting on Dec...


The Ukrainian parliament adjourned again Tuesday without passing a revised electoral reform package previously agreed to in principle by the leaders of the major political factions in the country's ongoing electoral dispute. The parliament had failed to adopt an...