Search Results for: same-sex marriage

The only remaining challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act is set to begin today in California. The lawsuit argues DOMA and California's Proposition 22 are violations of a gay couple's civil rights. California only...


Lawsuits brought by three same-sex couples married in Massachusetts and Canada seeking to have their marriages recognized in Florida have been dropped because the plaintiffs do not want to risk having the US Supreme Court set precedent by rejecting...


The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that the state's constitution does not require governmental recognition of same-sex marriage. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three same sex couples who argued that law was unconstitutional because...


After hearing two days of oral argument on the constitutionality of California same-sex marriages, Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer asked Thursday for written arguments to be submitted to him by January 14. After submission, he will have up to...