Search Results for: same-sex marriage

Following up on a story reported on JURIST's Paper Chase earlier today, Canadian parliamentarians late Tuesday afternoon turned back an opposition amendment to government-proposed same-sex marriage legislation that would have limited marriage to union between a man and a...


While in Rome for the funeral of Pope John Paul II, House Republican leader Tom DeLay has expressed his continued disappointment with federal judges, saying they have "run amok". Speaking by videotape Thursday to attendees at the...


The Connecticut Senate approved legislation Wednesday recognizing civil unions between same-sex couples, becoming the first state legislature to voluntarily recognize the unions without court pressure. Vermont also recognizes civil unions, but did so only after a lawsuit...


California's Third District Court of Appeal Monday rejected a challenge to the state's domestic partnership law granting same-sex partners a body of rights almost identical to those enjoyed by the state's married couples, including automatic parental status and...


Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois College of Law:"Schiavo is about abortion, at least that much is obvious. Terri Schiavo is a "fetus" tethered by life-giving machines rather than to her mother. There's speculation about whether she shows signs of life....