Search Results for: testing

The CEO of Quramax Medical stated in court Wednesday that he gave an Uzbekistan official $33,000 after prosecutors alleged that the company paid a bribe to circumvent the mandatory testing of a contaminated Indian cough syrup that killed 65 children. The company that manufactured the cough syrup was India’s Marion Biotech, and the medicines were sold by [...]


“The existence of `system’ in the world is obvious to every observer of nature, no matter whom.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (1959)           Whether conspicuous or obscure, terrorism generally presents itself as a systemic challenge. This means, inter alia, that seemingly singular strategic and legal matters may actually be many-sided and interrelated. Regarding legal issues, though [...]


The UK Government began housing asylum seekers on Monday on a residential barge in Portland. The Home Office announced that the government intends to increase the number of asylum seekers onboard this “alternative accommodation option” over the coming months. The first cohort of 15 asylum seekers boarded the vessel, Bibby Stockholm barge, on Monday. This is [...]


Hong Kong’s Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an appeal on Monday against the High Court’s judgment which refused to grant an injunction to prohibit “Glory to Hong Kong,” a popular protest song. The DOJ said that the Secretary for Justice Paul Lam applied for the injunction to discharge the Hong Kong government’s constitutional responsibility to [...]


Current events focus a spotlight on potential criminal liability for operation of an automated vehicle. In Arizona, the safety driver in an Uber robotaxi pled guilty to an undesignated felony in response to a charge of negligent homicide for a fatality that occurred while an automated driving system (ADS) was engaged. Shortly before that, the [...]


The US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday that an 1890 state constitutional provision permanently preventing people convicted of certain felonies from voting, Section 241, is unconstitutional. Judge James Dennis writing for the majority, discussed the racial history of the Mississippi Constitution that was ratified in 1890, writing, “From the outset, the object of [...]


The Hanoi People’s Court sentenced 54 government officials and business people on Friday for charges related to bribery, as reported by the state-run Vietnam Plus. Former government officials, diplomats, and business owners were found guilty of soliciting, offering, and being complicit in the taking of bribes, along with fraud and abuse of power for the [...]