Search Results for: sotomayor

In a narrow 5-4 decision late Wednesday, the US Supreme Court prevented New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting strict limits to numbers of people gathered for worship in churches and synagogues out of concern for the spread of Covid-19. The majority granted an emergency stay of an executive order imposing capacity limitations for accommodations [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday declined to reinstate a District Court order requiring Texas prison officials to enact basic safety precautions for the coronavirus. Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissented from this decision with Justice Elena Kagan joining. The case was filed by two inmates at the Wallace Pack Unit, a geriatric prison in Texas. Laddy [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in the case of Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. The court heard the argument by telephone with live-streamed audio. Fulton concerns whether Petitioner, a Roman Catholic adoption agency in Philadelphia, is entitled to discriminate against potential foster parents on the basis of sexual orientation. The city of [...]


The US Supreme Court voted 5-3 to uphold Alabama’s ban on curbside voting Wednesday evening, drawing a sharp dissent from Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who claimed the requested injunction “lifts burdensome requirements rather than imposing them.” The one-paragraph order released Wednesday evening stemmed from a lawsuit disputing the curbside voting ban imposed by Alabama Secretary of [...]


The US Supreme Court granted an emergency petition Tuesday to stay an injunction issued by a federal district court against the Census Bureau, effectively permitting the Trump administration to immediately halt the national census. A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of California granted the preliminary injunction against the Census Bureau [...]


Many practitioners, to say nothing of members of the press, recently have come to ask: “What’s up with John Roberts? Has he become a liberal?” This, of course, started with National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, where the Chief Justice voted with the four liberal justices to uphold the Affordable Care Act. But it [...]