Search Results for: illegal immigration

The US Supreme Court Monday ruled in two separate cases that undocumented immigrants who are detained for more than six months are not entitled to a bond hearing. Johnson v. Arteaga-Martinez was unanimous, with only Justice Breyer dissenting in part, while Garland v. Aleman Gonzalez was a 6-3 decision. The first case concerned Antonio Arteaga-Martinez, [...]


Australia’s new interim Home Affairs minister Friday announced that a Sri Lankan family detained by immigration authorities since 2018 will be granted new visas and be permitted to return to their home in the Australian town of Biloela. The Murugappan family was detained by the Australian Border Force after their asylum application was rejected and [...]


The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Tuesday arrested an Iraqi national charged with an alleged plot to assassinate former President George W. Bush. According to a statement from the US Department of Justice, 52-year-old Shihab Ahmed Shihab Shihab entered the US on a visitor visa in September 2020. Shihab then filed for asylum and US [...]


The US Supreme Court Monday held in a 5-4 opinion written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett “ederal courts lack jurisdiction to review facts found as part of any judgment relating to the granting of discretionary relief in immigration proceedings enumerated under 8 US Code § 1252(a)(2)(B)(i).” In Patel v. Garland, the plaintiff and his wife [...]


Some 36,433 Afghan refugees lack a clear path to US citizenship, according to a report released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Friday . The report surveys the immigration status of more than 76,000 Afghans refugees now under the supervision of Operation Allies Welcome (OAW), a DHS coordinated program aimed at resettling the evacuees [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments for two immigration cases Tuesday that address the rights of detained noncitizens to have a bond hearing after six months of detention. Both cases were brought by noncitizens seeking asylum relief who had been detained for extended periods of time without bond hearings following the issuance of a [...]


The UK Home Office announced plans Wednesday to establish a new Scientific Advisory Committee for developing a scientific method for evaluating the age of asylum seekers. The Home Office states that this method will prevent adult asylum seekers from posing as children to obtain support and benefits fraudulently. Discussing the program further, Home Secretary Priti [...]