Search Results for: bangladesh

Bangladeshi counter terrorism authorities arrested Abdul Majed in Dhaka on Tuesday. Majed faces the death penalty for the 1975 assassinations of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family. Rahman played a significant role in Bangladesh’s independence movement and served as country’s first prime minister from 1971 to 1975. Of Rahman’s family, only his daughters Sheikh Hasina [...]


At the moment, there are over 70.8 million people forcibly displaced from their homes. The fast mobility of large populations is an inalienable part of humanity that is driven by drought, famine, earthquake, climate change, political opinion, massive violation of human rights, religious persecution, racial discrimination, ideological conflict, war, and pandemic diseases. People fleeing such [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet Jeria is moving to file an intervention application in the India Supreme Court to seek review of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), an official spokesperson for India said Tuesday. The application requests that the court review the CAA with regard to international human rights law and the [...]


A report published Monday by the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and the UN Human Rights Office reveals that at least 53 migrants and refugees were killed in the July 2019 airstrikes in Libya. Those killed were reportedly citizens of Algeria, Chad, Bangladesh, Morocco, Niger and Tunisia. It also reported 87 injured male migrants [...]


A Myanmar government sponsored commission tasked with investigating human rights violations in Rakhine State concluded on Monday that soldiers likely committed war crimes against its Rohingya Muslim community but found no evidence of genocide. The Independent Commission Of Enquiry (ICOE) carried out investigations in northern Rakhine State to determine whether war crimes, serious human rights [...]


The State of Kerala filed a lawsuit against India in the India Supreme Court on Tuesday alleging that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) violates the constitution. Kerala alleges that the CAA results “in classifications based on religion and based on country, both classifications being apparently and manifestly discriminatory.” Article 14 of the constitution prohibits discrimination [...]


India’s Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019, to allow religious minorities persecuted in neighboring countries to seek citizenship. The draft legislation proposed by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been criticized for being discriminatory and unconstitutional, as the term “religious minorities” excluded the Muslim community. Amending the Citizenship Act 1955, Section 2 [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported Tuesday that the Bangladesh government is violating the right to education of nearly 400,000 school-age Rohingya children by barring UN humanitarian agencies and NGOs from providing Rohingya children with any formal, accredited education. The Bangladesh government’s policy prevents Rohingya from integrating into the local Bangladeshi society. In furtherance of this [...]


The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday authorized an investigation into allegations that Myanmar has committed crimes against humanity in its treatment of the Rohingya Muslim minority. Myanmar is outside of the ICC’s jurisdiction, which is limited to those states that are a party to the Rome Statute treaty. However, its neighbor Bangladesh is a [...]