Search Results for: Convention Against Torture

Two UN human rights experts, Fernand de Varennes and Ahmed Shaheed, Friday urged Saudi Arabia to abide by their non-refoulement obligations under international law and refrain from extraditing two Chinese nationals belonging to the Uyghur minority. The two individuals in detention in Saudi Arabia are Nuermaimaiti Ruze and Waili Aimidoula. Fearing arbitrary detention, torture and [...]


As the Ukrainian military and its citizens defiantly fight back against Russian forces, LGBTQ+ citizens face a unique fight of their own, the fight to safely be themselves. Last month, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations authored a disturbing letter, warning of serious human rights violations if Russia successfully occupies Ukraine. Ambassador Bathsheba Nell [...]


For Oleh Kornat, a lawyer-turned-member of the Ukrainian resistance, a disturbing element of Moscow’s invasion of his country has been its misuse of the term “genocide” to justify it. “Civilians are being targeted. Maternity wards have been attacked. Children with cancer have been displaced. And this has all happened under the guise of Russia’s ostensible [...]


The basic international law One of the most fundamental rules of international law is that States are prohibited from using force to resolve their international disputes. Any State that uses force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another State violates this solemn rule of international law. Applying this rule, the use of force [...]


As we come closer to the opening of the Winter Olympiad in Beijing, China, a peoples in Western China is being destroyed “in whole or in part.” The world will assemble in the name of sport ignoring what is happening a few hundred miles away. It is a state-sponsored genocide by the very nation that [...]


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Tuesday ordered provisional measures regarding the Armenian government’s allegations of racial hatred and discrimination against Azerbaijan instructing it to protect and ensure the safety and security of Armenian prisoners of wars (POWs), and prevent incitement of violence against individuals of Armenian origin. Additionally, by a 13-2 vote, the [...]


The Second Chamber of the Federal Criminal Court in Buenos Aires opened a case against the Myanmar military Saturday over atrocities committed against the Rohingyas. In 2017, the Myanmar military and its proxies launched a vicious campaign in the region. A report by the Anadolu Agency shows that nearly 24,000 Rohingya Muslims were killed, 34,000 [...]


“History is an illustrious war against death.” – José Ortega y Gasset, Man and Crisis (1958) Afghanistan and “Palestine”: Newly Emerging Linkages At first glance, there are no obvious connections between the Taliban victory over the United States in Afghanistan and Palestinian terrorism against Israel. Upon closer inspection, however, the recent Taliban triumph reflects more [...]


The Republic of Armenia on Thursday initiated proceedings against the Republic of Azerbaijan at the International Court of Justice, the United Nations’ top judicial organ, over alleged violations of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) by Azerbaijani authorities. In its application, Armenia contended that “for decades, Azerbaijan has [...]