Search Results for: gaddafi

Mauritanian authorities extradited former Libyan chief of intelligence Abdullah al-Senussi to Libya on Wednesday according to Mauritania state news agencies. Al-Senussi was arrested in Mauritania in March, and Libya is now seeking to try al-Senussi ...


JURIST Guest Columnist Stuart Ford of the John Marshall Law School says that although the International Criminal Court has encountered numerous obstacles during the first ten years of its existence, its reputation will ultimately be decided over a longer period...


The Libyan government on Monday released four International Criminal Court (ICC) staff members who had been detained for nearly four weeks. The release was announced while the ICC's president, Sang-Hyun Song, was visiting the country....


JURIST Guest Columnist David Scheffer of the Northwestern University School of Law says that although the US is not an official member of the International Criminal Court, it can nonetheless promote international justice through strengthening its unofficial ties to the...