Search Results for: bangladesh

On May 11th, 2020, the Supreme Court of India rejected the petition filed by the Private Schools Association of Jammu and Kashmir which demanded the restoration of 4G Internet services as the students in the valley are unable to access the online learning classes being held as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown. The judgment [...]


One crucial aspect of international law is failing the Uighurs and it is the structure of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The persecution of the Uighurs is just one example of a State-committed human rights abuse that led to little prevention or relief for victims because of the structure of the UNSC. The UNSC [...]


In the case of Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of the University of California, the US Supreme Court upheld its lower court decisions that concluded US President Donald Trump’s 2017 move to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program, created in 2012 by former President Barack Obama, was unlawful. The court found [...]


“The greatest nations are defined by how they treat their weakest inhabitants.” -Jorge Ramos The COVID-19 outbreak has caused an upsurge in humanitarian crises, affecting millions of refugees across the globe. In these unprecedented times, the rights of the refugees are most vulnerable. Refugees are the forgotten ones, with the least access to essentials required [...]


Countries around the world are working to alleviate the vast challenges the COVID-19 pandemic is posing. Confronting this global problem isn’t possible without international cooperation. COVID-19 has implications for public health and the global economy. Endemic diseases contribute to the economic burden by impacting health, livelihoods, agricultural productivity and ecosystems. The SARS outbreak of 2003 [...]


COVID-19 patients are frequently constrained to solitary confinement in order to curb the continuing spread of the contamination. The race for medicine or a vaccine to treat COVID-19 is on. The pharmaceutical industries are being asked to donate the intellectual property (IP) of the relevant medicinal equipment or medicines by officials advocating for public health [...]


In light of the economic outlook during the COVID-19 outbreak, the availability of credit in the market will decide the sustainability of a country. India has taken caution to combat “opportunistic takeovers/acquisitions” by tightening its foreign direct investment (FDI) rules for all border-sharing nations. This has particularly affected China, due to its major role in [...]


India’s new citizenship law and policies are causing discrimination against Muslims, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report Thursday. The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) allows a fast-track to citizenship in India for undocumented immigrants who entered India before December 31, 2014. The CAA grants citizenship on the basis of religion, and allows persons “belonging [...]