Search Results for: alito

The US Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments Monday in United States v. Arthrex, Inc., a case that intersects patent law, administrative law and the separation of powers. The question before the court is whether administrative patent judges of the US Patent and Trademark Office should be considered “principal officers” who must receive both presidential appointment [...]


The US Supreme Court heard arguments in the consolidated cases Wilkinson v. Dai and Wilkinson v. Alcaraz-Enriquez on Tuesday. The main issue before the court is”hether a court of appeals may conclusively presume that an asylum applicant’s testimony is credible and true whenever an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals adjudicates an application [...]


The US Supreme Court granted review Monday in cases ranging from reproductive healthcare funding to the Armed Career Criminal Act of 1984 and also rejected a challenge to the 2020 election. The court granted review of three cases that it consolidated: American Medical Association v. Cochran, Cochran v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore and Oregon v. Cochran. [...]


In a divided decision, the Supreme Court ruled Friday against a California ban on indoor church services. However, it did not strike down California’s restrictions on indoor singing, chanting, and limits to the number of worshipers. The ruling permits California churches to hold in-person services with a capacity limit of 25%. The restrictions and bans [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that Chicago did not violate the US Bankruptcy Code by maintaining possession of cars it had impounded. The ruling came in the case of Chicago v. Fulton. In oral arguments, the city framed the question in the case as “whether the Bankruptcy Code’s automatic stay requires a creditor [...]


In a filing this past week with the Supreme Court in Texas v. Pennsylvania, Ohio’s Attorney General, David Yost, and its Solicitor General, Ben Flowers, lent support to Texas’s fanciful claim that Pennsylvania’s, Wisconsin’s, Michigan’s and Georgia’s presidential votes favoring Joe Biden were somehow “tainted” by the illegal “rewriting” of election laws by State courts [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of  New Mexico, ending the latest chapter in a decades-old water dispute involving the Pecos River. The conflict involves how water is apportioned between New Mexico and Texas under an interstate compact first approved by Congress in the mid-twentieth century. Texas v. New Mexico centers around [...]


The US Supreme Court late Friday denied the motion for leave to file a complaint in Texas v. Pennsylvania, which had sought to invalidate election results in four swing states that President Donald Trump lost in the November 2020 presidential election, namely Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had claimed there was rampant [...]