Search Results for: syria

Lebanon's Prime Minister Omar Karami announced the resignation of his administration on Monday, just before a no-confidence vote was scheduled to take place. Karami had been under popular pressure to resign after his government was implicated in the February...


Iraqi security forces say they have arrested Saddam Hussein's half-brother , the first top-level Baathist to be caught in a year. Sabawi Ibrahim al-Hassan was number 36 (6 of diamonds) on the list of 55 most-wanted Iraqis [USA...


President Bush Tuesday recalled the US ambassador in Syria amid rising tensions over the recent assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik al-Hariri in Beirut. Syria quickly condemned the murder in a press release...


Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"The hearings on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales to be Attorney General of the United States have begun. Will no one in Congress say what should be obvious? That Gonzales has brought shame on our country...


A new State Department annual report issued Wednesday under the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act signed by President Bush in October 2004 says that global anti-Semitism is on the rise, particularly because of the number of poor, uneducated Muslims in...


Syria released 112 political detainees, the country's official news agency reported Tuesday. President Bashar al-Asad pardoned the prisoners, many of whom are thought to be Kurdish minorities arrested during a riot last March. This year 160 political prisoners have...