Search Results for: testing

A Pakistani court declared on Tuesday that the jail trial of former Prime Minister Imran Khan on charges of leaking state secrets is illegal, according to Khan’s lawyer Naeem Panjutha.”The proceedings and the trial conducted in jail premises in a manner that cannot be termed as an open trial stand vitiated,” Panjutha said, quoting the [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit on Monday ruled against a tool often used to enforce voter protections, finding that private groups and individuals are not permitted to bring lawsuits under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), which prohibits race-based voter suppression. The decision stems from a lawsuit brought by [...]


“The man who laughs has simply not yet heard the horrible news.”          Berthold Brecht An Existential Task Until the end of his presidency –  and even after his open complicity in subverting the United States Constitution on January 6, 2021 – Donald J. Trump held effectively unchecked nuclear command authority. Now, after multiple criminal [...]


Public attitude toward minority rights usually can serve as a good baseline for testing a country’s level of general democracy and tolerance. Croatia became a European Union member in 2013 and is criticised for its undemocratic society. Inside the country, there are constant debates on this ground about whether Croatia should be affiliated with Western [...]


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a bill that withdraws Russia as a signatory to the global nuclear test ban treaty. The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is an international treaty aimed at banning all nuclear explosions on the Earth’s surface, in the atmosphere, underwater and underground. It was adopted by the United [...]


The US Supreme Court heard arguments in the cases O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier and Lindke v. Freed on Tuesday regarding whether public officials blocking constituents on personal social media accounts used for some public purposes amounts to state action under the First Amendment of the US Constitution. O’Connor-Ratcliff began in 2014 when two school board members [...]


US President Joe Biden signed an executive order Monday setting landmark safety and security standards for artificial intelligence (AI). The order will force major AI developers to: share safety test results with the US government; create standardized safety testing; limit biological AI testing; issue best practices for AI fraud prevention; establish AI tools to find [...]


Russia’s military conducted exercises with nuclear-capable missiles Wednesday, shortly after the legislature unanimously voted to revoke their ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Colonel General Viktor Esin, the former head of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, has claimed the exercises were not political but part of a regularly scheduled annual training plan held every [...]