Search Results for: elena kagan

The US Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in Nielsen v. Preap that immigrants who have committed certain crimes are not entitled to a bond hearing and once detained can be held in federal custody until their removal proceedings are resolved. In an opinion by Justice Samuel Alito, the Supreme Court overturned two Ninth Circuit decisions (Preap v. [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday in two cases: the Virginia racial gerrymandering case, Virginia House of Delegates v. Bethune-Hill; and a reviewability of agency decision case, Smith v. Berryhill. The Virginia lawsuit was filed in 2014 by residents in 12 different districts in the state. The challengers contended that the legislature, by adopting the 2011 map [...]


US Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Elena Kagan testified in front of the House Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government of the House Committee on Appropriations on Thursday regarding the court’s budget for 2020. In Alito’s opening statement to the House, he said the that the request would come in two parts. The [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Manhattan Community Access Corp. v. Halleck on Monday to decide whether a private nonprofit public-access television channel can be sued for violations of the First Amendment. The case originates from a 2016 lawsuit brought by two public-access television producers against MNN, the operator of the public-access TV channels [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral argument Wednesday in Mission Product Holdings, Inc. v. Tempnology, LLC, a case questioning what happens to a licensee’s trademark rights when a licensor goes bankrupt. Tempnology, LLC, a company specializing in cooling technology for towels and headbands among other things, had licensed a series of patents and trademarks to [...]


The US Supreme Court issued an order on Tuesday to reverse a lower court’s injunction preventing the Trump administration from implementing its ban on transgender individuals from serving in the military. The Trump administration petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the injunction in November. The injunction, issued by the US District Court for the Western District [...]


The US Supreme Court initiated its December sitting by hearing oral arguments in two cases Monday, including an antitrust claim against Apple. Apple v. Pepper involves third-party app developers’ concerns that Apple takes too large of a cut of the apps’ revenue and does not allow them to place their apps on competing platforms. Some [...]


The confirmation hearing of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh began Tuesday morning. In his opening statements , Kavanaugh began by thanking both the president and the 65 senators he met with over the previous months. He also took time to pay tribute to Justice Anthony Kennedy, the justice Kavanaugh would replace on the Supreme Court [...]