Search Results for: drones

Outgoing US President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday that directs US departments and agencies to assess security risks from drones made by “foreign adversaries” and to prioritize removing them. Trump stated that additional actions were needed for the security of US government-owner Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and “to secure the integrity of American [...]


The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control on Friday sanctioned Iraqi military leader Falih al-Fayyadh for alleged human rights abuses that occurred during civilian protests in 2019. As a result of the sanctions, al-Fayyadh’s property interests located in the US are now blocked. The Treasury Secretary has authority to issue sanctions [...]


On 27 November 2020, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed while traveling in his car just east of Tehran. It is understood that Fakhrizadeh was Iran’s foremost nuclear scientist and that he led the country’s efforts to develop a nuclear bomb. The details of the attack are a matter of doubt, with Iran claiming that Israel was the [...]


The UK and France signed an agreement aiming to reduce illegal immigration across the English Channel Saturday. The deal was signed by British Home Secretary Priti Patel and French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. In 2020 alone, at least 8,000 illegal immigrants arriving in small boats have crossed the Channel. This represents a vast increase compared to [...]


John Brennan, CIA Director between 2013 and 2017, took to Twitter Friday to condemn the reported assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, labeling it as “criminal”, “highly reckless”, adding that if it were found to be a “state-sponsored attack,” it would be a “flagrant violation of international law.” According to Iranian news reports, Fakhrizadeh was [...]


The French National Assembly has passed a controversial bill restricting the publication of images of police. The bill, approved Tuesday, known as the Global Security bill, was introduced by President Emmanuel Macron’s political party, La Republique en Marche. It was adopted by the National Assembly despite the intense criticisms and protests  it sparked throughout the [...]


Thousands of French people took to the streets on Saturday to protest pending legislation that aims at protecting police officers and increasing public surveillance. The legislation, dubbed as the “Global Security Act,” is a comprehensive security law that is supported by MPs from the governing party. The draft contains numerous stringent provisions, amongst which Article [...]


Once President-Elect Biden takes office, we will be able to say goodbye to new judges who self-identify as originalists. This change is important because in constitutional cases, originalism is either pernicious or irrelevant, and we should stop pretending otherwise. There is nothing wrong with the American people celebrating their link to the white, propertied males [...]


The European Parliament (EP) announced on Monday that restrictions will be placed on the export of dual use products and technologies, including cyber surveillance tools, in an effort to limit human rights violations. In the press release, the EP stated: the reviewed rules, agreed by Parliament and Council negotiators, govern the export of so-called dual [...]