Search Results for: bangladesh

The military coup in Myanmar has destabilized most of the country, but many in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, one of its poorest, see little difference between the old democratic regime and the military dictatorship. The Rakhine, or the Arakanese, have suffered through British and Japanese colonialism, poverty, exploitation, and human rights violations. An 18 month-long internet blackout, [...]


This article was co-authored by JURIST South Asia Bureau Chief Ananaya Agrawal and Ishan Bhatnagar, both of whom are students at National Law University, Delhi in India As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, rights discourse in several countries has sparked concerns about the welfare of more marginalized groups who tend to be at once [...]


Amnesty International on Thursday published a report detailing the Bangladesh government’s crackdown on freedom of expression online by use of the country’s controversial Digital Security Act (DSA). The DSA was introduced in October 2018 and contains some wide-ranging provisions that enable the authorities to trample on the guarantee of freedom of speech and expression. Under [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Monday urged UN human rights experts to lead independent investigations into enforced disappearances by security officers in Bangladesh. HRW’s report, “‘Where No Sun Can Enter’: A Decade of Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh,” urged top UN officials, donors, and trade partners, to step up measures to hold senior Bangladesh security forces [...]


Most people in our societies identify as male or female, a man or a woman; but there have been people around the globe in different eras that have claimed other identities regarding their gender identity and have put this binary under challenge. Alternative genders across the globe demonstrate examples of cross-cultural gender diversity. In a [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) called Tuesday for an investigation into the UN for improperly collecting data and sharing personal information from the Rohingya refugees with Bangladesh, which shared the information with Myanmar, their country of origin. The UN is accused of failing to conduct a full data impact assessment, which is a requirement set by [...]


A group of 10 US senators led by Ed Markey (D-MA) introduced legislation Wednesday that would require Secretary of State Antony Blinken to investigate Myanmar’s military attacks on the Rohingya minority and decide whether they constitute genocide. Since 2017, more than 750,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh hoping to escape the military’s systemic killing of [...]


More than 300 demonstrators took to the streets of Dhaka on Monday to protest the death of a writer and commentator in prison, who had been charged under Bangladesh’s controversial Digital Security Act (DSA). The deceased, Mushtaq Ahmed, had been arrested last May after posting comments on social media in which he criticized the government’s [...]