Search Results for: 15-part

Iraq's Interior Minister Saturday announced additional security measures for the pending January 30 election as insurgent groups increased their attacks and vowed to disrupt the vote. Baghdad International Airport will now be closed from January 29-30, nighttime curfews already...


Following up this story reported in Paper Chase yesterday, the US military on Monday took disciplinary action against 18 soldiers who refused to go on a mission in Iraq, believing it to be too dangerous. Although the military refused...


Peter Henning, Wayne State University School:"The Subcommittee on Financial Management, the Budget, and International Security of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee will be holding a hearing today (Nov. 16) on the state of the insurance industry in light of the...


JURIST Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego says that the massive US assault on Fallujah is but the latest instance of illegal American aggression in Iraq, undertaken with disregard for international treaties and...


JURIST Guest Columnist and international law scholar Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that recently-divulged White House and DOJ memos provide evidence of an illegal, unconstitutional and downright inept US plan to violate the Geneva Conventions...