Search Results for: tiktok

The Indian Government took the global media by storm when it announced a ban on 59 Chinese apps in India to counter the threat posed by these applications to the country’s “sovereignty and security”. The ban has been imposed under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act, and justifying its move the government cited the [...]


Despite its comeback, the recent suspension of the Mitron Application, hailed as a Swadeshi alternative for TikTok, has brought to light the inadequacy of data protection laws in the country. This short video platform had garnered over 5 million downloads on the Google Play Store. Prior to the app’s removal, there were media reports of [...]


The entire world is grappling with the COVID-19 catastrophe which according to Johns Hopkins University & Medicine has affected the lives of at least 13.4 million people and the demise of more than 581,000 people across the globe. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous countries were forced to implement nationwide lockdowns resulting [...]


As the coronavirus pandemic continues to increase across the globe, crossing over the four million mark and killing more than 300,000 patients, a parallel pandemic of misinformation and fake news is spreading around, putting lives at risk. Many researchers have termed this so called storm of misinformation a “disinfodemic.” There is a growing concern because [...]


A court in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu has directed the government to ban a popular smartphone video app known as “TikTok,” ruling that the app was “encouraging pornography.” Wednesday’s order also tells the media to refrain from telecasting videos made using the app. The Madurai-based bench of the Madras High Court comprising judges [...]