Search Results for: Tim Zubizarreta

As we watch the revival of the first wave and anticipate an inevitable second wave, the intentionally inept federal, uneven and dangerous state and local, and self-interested business response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a horrifying experience. As the reality of the situation unfolds, the breach of public trust is breathtaking. The clear indifference of [...]


In the wake of the global pandemic and the nation-wide lockdown, a heavy constraint has been put on individuals as well as the economy. To minimize the impact of the pandemic on the general public as well as business establishments and ensure minimum disruption in the supply chain, many amendments, advisories and announcements have been [...]


From the beginnings of his crudely acrimonious presidency, Donald Trump has actively undermined US foreign policy relationships. On urgently key matters of world politics and international law, Mr. Trump’s typically invalid conclusions have generally been drawn from narrowly belligerent premises. Truly, the main problem with such faulty presidential arguments, however, has not been Trump’s gratuitously [...]


Introduction On November 11, 2019 The Gambia submitted an application against Myanmar at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) alleging that Myanmar had violated its obligations under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention). The representation made by The Gambia as a ‘proxy’ and on behalf of [...]


On Wednesday, French lawmakers passed a bill to regulate online hate speech in the country. The law seeks to impose a strict obligation on online platforms to remove offensive content, like hate speech, violence, or racism, within twenty-four hours or risk getting fined and blocked. The over-zealous attempt to regulate the content available across online [...]


Just last week, we were saddened by the loss of Aimee Stephens at age 59. Ms. Stephens was a Detroit funeral director who, in 2013, announced a gender transition that exposed her employer’s deep intolerance toward transgender people. For seven years, she challenged the harsh dismissal and loss of livelihood that followed the announcement. Although [...]


As society grapples to stay on top of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a heightened responsibility on governments to effectively deal with this public health crisis, in a manner that is least-restrictive towards the civil liberties of its citizens. The use of technology as a part of disaster-response cannot be denied, but the regulatory lacunae [...]


As the coronavirus pandemic continues to increase across the globe, crossing over the four million mark and killing more than 300,000 patients, a parallel pandemic of misinformation and fake news is spreading around, putting lives at risk. Many researchers have termed this so called storm of misinformation a “disinfodemic.” There is a growing concern because [...]


With food emerging out as a heavily traded commodity internationally, the majority of the nations around the world have become melting pots of civilization, leading to the increasing interconnectedness of the global food system and complexity of the supply chains. With the long-winded food supply chains there exists information asymmetry between the consumers and the [...]