Search Results for: alito

The US Supreme Court Thursday ruled Thursday that damages for emotional distress are not recoverable in a private lawsuit to enforce either the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Affordable Care Act. This decision clarifies what damages are available to individuals who sue under federal anti-discrimination statutes. Plaintiff Jane Cummings is legally blind and was [...]


The Supreme Court Monday rejected a request to temporarily block a new admissions policy at a Virginia high school. The new admission policy, as described by the school board, was created to increase socioeconomic diversity, however, the plaintiff argues that the new policy harms Asian students. The court did not state their reasoning for rejecting the [...]


The US Supreme Court Wednesday heard oral arguments in Viking River Cruises v. Moriana, a case that could make pursuing legal action against an employer harder for workers who have signed arbitration agreements as a condition of their employment. An employee of Viking River Cruises sued the company in state court under the California Private Attorneys General [...]


US Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas wrote a six-page concurring opinion for the Supreme Court’s denial of certiorari Monday in Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission v. Woods, stating that the court should decide whether religious organizations may practice hiring discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Americans and people of diverse faiths. According to his brief, Matthew Woods [...]


The US Supreme Court Monday denied petitions in Pennsylvania and North Carolina election map cases, allowing new district maps to go into effect. The move comes after courts in both states rejected maps drawn by the state legislatures. In doing so, the state supreme courts altered the maps so that they were more closely aligned [...]