Search Results for: tiktok

US President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Tuesday titled “Executive Order Addressing the Threat Posed By Applications and Other Software Developed or Controlled By Chinese Companies.” The order, signed during Trump’s final two weeks in office, bans eight connected software applications. The apps that are banned under this order include Alipay, CamScanner, QQ [...]


A 12-year-old English girl took the first steps in a lawsuit against TikTok on Thursday. The intended claimant is joined by Anne Longfield as a litigation friend, a form of legal advocate in the English court system. Longfield, the United Kingdom’s Children Commissioner, and the claimant intend to bring action against “six corporate defendants said [...]


The United States government on Monday appealed a federal judge’s order that blocked the Commerce Department from imposing restrictions on Chinese-owned short video-sharing app TikTok that would have effectively barred its use in the US. On December 7, United States District Court Judge Carl Nichols of the DC Circuit granted an injunction, enjoining the Secretary [...]


The Italian Guarantor, a body of four members selected by Parliament to protect personal data, initiated proceedings Tuesday against the social media network TikTok for failing to protect minors, failing to prevent young children from joining the network, providing little clear information to TikTok users, and employing default settings which do not protect the privacy of users. [...]


The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted Monday to issue an order requiring nine major social media and video streaming companies to report on their use of consumer data. The order, issued pursuant to section 6(b) of the FTC Act, requests information pertaining to five subjects: 1) the collection of consumer data, 2) the use [...]


A Judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia granted a preliminary injunction Monday, preventing the Trump administration from prohibiting the operation of the popular China-based social media app TikTok. The order follows President Donald Trump’s signing of Exec. Order No. 13942, which identified TikTok, a short-loop video sharing app presently used [...]


The United States has an invaluable asset: the rule of law and its historic role in protecting property rights. This essay highlights the fragile nature of this asset and explains why protecting this asset—particularly in the eyes of foreign investors—must be a priority for a new Biden administration (as it should be for the remainder [...]


A US federal judge in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Friday postponed President Trump’s TikTok ban. The court’s order follows after three US influencers filed suit over the ban. In deciding that the ban should be postponed throughout the entire United States, Judge Wendy Beetlestone found that postponement of the ban nationally was the only [...]


A three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Monday rejected a Department of Justice (DOJ) request to immediately ban Apple from offering WeChat in the US. In early August, President Donald Trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions against Chinese mobile applications TikTok and WeChat, stating that the spread of Chinese mobile apps throughout [...]


China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee on Sunday passed the Export Control Law of the People’s Republic of China, which restricts sensitive exports, such as military, nuclear and technology goods, that may threaten national security. A list of controlled items will be published “in a timely manner.” This law allows China to retaliate against countries, [...]