Search Results for: drones

Canada Wednesday imposed a new round of sanctions against the Iranian regime. The new sanctions add two weapons manufacturing companies and six individuals to the list of regime supporters sanctioned under Canada’s Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations. This is the fifth round of sanctions Canada has imposed against the Iranian regime this year. The sanctions [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Wednesday reported that the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) attack on Iranian-Kurdish opposition group offices in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in September 2022 “struck towns and villages where the parties were not carrying out any military activity.” IRGC claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Iranian-Kurdish opposition group offices, referring [...]


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken Tuesday announced additional sanctions against the Taliban in response to what the US perceives as repression of women and girls in Afghanistan through violence and restrictive policies. Citing Section 212(a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Blinken unveiled new restrictions on visas for current or former Taliban members, members [...]


During the Barack Obama presidency, the Justice Department prepared a 16-page unsigned, undated “White Paper” that outlined the administration’s legal reasoning justifying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-targeted killings of terrorism suspects if an informed high-level official decided that the target was a high-ranking al-Qaida figure or affiliate who posed an imminent threat of violent attack against [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Friday upheld the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) rule on drone identification. Brennan v. Dickson was brought by Tyler Brennan, a drone user, and the drone equipment retailer owned by Brennan, RaceDayQuads LLC, challenging the FAA over its Remote Identification Rule of April 2021. The rule requires drone manufacturers [...]


The situation in Myanmar continues to deteriorate, with news received on July 25 that four activists have been executed. The executions are the first carried out in Myanmar for several decades. The government mouthpiece, the Global New Light of Myanmar, claimed that the activists’ crimes were “giving directions, making arrangements, committing conspiracies for brutal and [...]