Search Results for: Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a mutual defense assistance pact on Wednesday during Putin’s visit to the North Korean capital Pyongyang since 2000. According to a statement from the Russian government, the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership stipulates “mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of [...]


A record number of politically motivated crimes occurred in Germany last year, according to a report published by the country’s domestic intelligence agency on Tuesday. The report by the Bundesverfassungsschutz juxtaposes domestic crime statistics of 2023 with monitored data about interior threats, such as suspected extremist groups and movements, and partially connects the increase in [...]


The German Federal Ministry of Interior published a report on Tuesday by the country’s federal domestic intelligence agency, designating the Palestinian civil society Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) a “suspected extremist case.” According to the report, BDS was founded in 2005 with the support of over 170 Palestinian-affiliated organizations, including the Council of National and Islamic [...]


World leaders gathered in Switzerland for a two-day summit over the weekend in an attempt to create a peace plan to end the conflict in Ukraine.  The peace summit on Ukraine brought together representatives from 101 countries and international organizations with a shared goal of resolving the conflict through dialogue, global cooperation, and adherence to international [...]


The Swedish Armed Forces on Saturday issued a statement after a Russian military aircraft violated their airspace the previous day.  Commander of the Swedish Air Force, Jonas Wikman, called Russia’s act ‘unacceptable’ and said that the aggravated act showed a lack of respect for Sweden’s territorial integrity. The Russian SU-24 fighter plane is accused of [...]


The UK Government announced Thursday its latest sanction package on Russia, the first to target Russia’s”shadow fleet” of oil ships, in a bid to hinder President Vladimir Putin’s ability to fund the country’s war against Ukraine. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made clear that the UK stands in support of Ukraine and that the sanction [...]


Russia employed starvation as a method of warfare during their 85-day siege of Mariupol in 2022, said a report published on Thursday by Global Rights Compliance (GRC). The report, titled ‘The Hope Left Us: Russia’s Siege, Starvation, and Capture of Mariupol City,” was published by the GRC Starvation Mobile Justice Team, as part of a [...]


As the Core Group of Nations gathers in Romania on June 28 to deliberate over a pivotal draft statute, the international community faces a defining moment. This statute, which proposes the establishment of a multinational court comprising UN member states and anchored by the Council of Europe, offers a promising avenue for addressing the crime [...]


The Indian government has asked the Russian government to return the Indian citizens recruited by its army on Tuesday, with foreign secretary Vinay Kwatra confirming the request on Wednesday. This follows the death of two Indian citizens in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, as announced by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs on Tuesday. The Indian embassy [...]


The US Department of Treasury sanctioned Hong Kong companies under Executive Order (EO) 14024 on Wednesday in response to the companies’ alleged support of Russia’s economy amid the War in Ukraine. This comes after the US unveiled nearly 300 sanctions on May 1, including sanctions that target entities in Hong Kong for their support of [...]