Search Results for: Tim Zubizarreta

On May 29, 2020, the Ninth Circuit continued the trend of courts more closely scrutinizing the plaintiff’s compliance with registration formalities in copyright infringement lawsuits. Registration formalities have received more attention since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corporation v., LLC. There, the Supreme Court resolved a split in the Circuit [...]


In a historic development concerning women’s rights, the Sudanese transitional government recently criminalized the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) and made it punishable by up to three years in prison. FGM is a deeply discriminatory practice which results in the partial or total removal of external female genitalia without any medical reasons. It violates [...]


1.  There’s something happening here; What it is ain’t exactly clear On Sunday, May 31, 2020, I posted on my Facebook that we should expect the repression to come soon. And almost like predictable clockwork, the repression started the next day. We can note the teargassing and flash grenading of peaceful demonstrators and international press [...]


Two years after the Navtej Singh Johar judgment which decriminalized homosexuality in India, the death of Anjana Hareesh, also known as Chinnu Zulfikar, shook the whole LGBTQIA+ community, earlier this May. Claimed to have committed suicide, Anjana identified herself as bisexual and was forced by her family members to undergo “conversion therapy” without her consent [...]


On Monday, Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia filed his response to the petition for mandamus brought by General Michael Flynn in the D.C. Circuit regarding Sullivan’s handling of the Justice Department (DOJ) Motion to Dismiss the false statement charges against Flynn. Flynn had pleaded guilty to [...]


The coronavirus pandemic has affected a lot of citizens: migrant workers, laborers, corporate job-holders and many more. However, what does it entail for the transgender community? There is a heightened responsibility on the government to grapple this issue where millions are affected. While the new labor laws are the talk of the town, the issue [...]


As a police station representative in the United Kingdom the impact of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests is eliciting a negative reaction in police stations from police officers. A recent case illustrates a concerning effort from the police to erode the right to protest. A client arrested during the BLM protest in London was [...]


To prepare the streets for Donald Trump’s walk to St. James Church in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020 – an apparent public relations stroll where he held up a Bible – the US Secret Service engaged in highly unusual and plausibly illegal behavior. More precisely, in ironic contrast to its proper statutory authority, which [...]


Disinformation occurs when false information is sent with an intention to deceive, while misinformation occurs when false information is sent without an intention to deceive. This commentary notes that tardy official communication of policy promotes disinformation and misinformation. Further disinformation can arise from a lack of opportunities for public participation in policymaking. Resolving these problems [...]