Search Results for: testing

In this commentary, JURIST editor Caspian Rive a law and history honours student at Victoria University of Wellington argues that the New Zealand government should abandon the Treaty Principles Bill before it reaches Parliament. In Aotearoa New Zealand, there is no part of the constitution more wilfully misremembered than te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of [...]


Missouri carried out the execution on Tuesday of a man whose capital conviction had been marred by controversies over insufficient evidence, compromised witness testimony, and racial discrimination. In a statement, the Innocence Project, an advocacy group devoted to exonerating wrongfully convicted death row inmates, wrote of Williams’ passing: Mr. Williams’ story echoes that of too [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated on Wednesday that the simultaneous detonation of thousands of communication devices across Lebanon and Syria violated customary international law. Thousands of pagers exploded on Tuesday, killing 12 and injuring more than 2,000 people. Walkie-talkie explosions on Wednesday killed an additional 25 and injured at least 600. The devices were evidently [...]


The Cluster Munitions Coalition released its annual report on Monday detailing the use and transfer of these munitions alongside the policies and practices of countries regarding their use, and their implications on the international treaty banning cluster munitions. The 2024 report’s primary focus is on developments and challenges concerning the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the [...]


Australia’s Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced on Saturday that the 2026 national census will, for the first time, include questions regarding gender and sexual orientation. This decision marks a reversal after the proposed inclusion of this topic was scrapped in August. Chalmers confirmed that gender and sexuality will form the one new category in the 2026 [...]


Constant Mutamba, the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Minister of Justice, has been poisoned, according to a statement from the Ministry of State on Saturday. The minister underwent medical tests that morning after scientific police suspected poison exposure in his office. During their investigation, the police discovered a white powder on office furniture and equipment, [...]


The Council of Europe opened the world’s first legally binding global treaty on artificial intelligence (AI) for signature on Thursday. Unveiled at a conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, this historic treaty sets a new international standard by ensuring that AI systems align with human rights, democratic values, and the rule of law. Formally known as the Framework [...]


The Supreme Court of India’s 2018 judgment in K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India was a watershed moment in India’s constitutional history. It recognized the right to privacy as an intrinsic part of the fundamental right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. This was a significant shift, given that [...]