Search Results for: republic of georgia

Speaker of the Republic of Georgia’s parliament Shalva Papuashvili announced on Thursday that he signed into law a bill defining marriage as between a man and a woman and prohibiting the promotion of same-sex relationships in schools, according to local media. The legislation states that Georgia recognizes family values of the union of a man and a woman, [...]


The Parliament of Estonia issued a statement on Tuesday strongly condemning Georgia’s adoption of a controversial law requiring certain organizations to register as foreign agents, saying that it is “necessary” that Estonia block Georgia’s EU accession. Of the 70 members of the Riigikogu—the Parliament of Estonia—57 voted in favour of adopting the statement. The president [...]


Armenia announced Friday that it will return four villages to Azerbaijan as a result of the 8th meeting of the State Commission on the Delimitation of the State Border between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia. The announcement was shared in a press release published by Armenian state media. A spokesperson for [...]


Without irony, Chef Jose Andres of World Central Kitchen (WCK) accused Israel of a “crime against humanity” in the recent accidental deaths of seven WCK volunteers by an Israeli air strike in Gaza. His accusation has generated a furious, and troubling discussion — focused on Israel’s culpability. US President Joe Biden claimed Israel has not [...]


Two trans people were attacked by a mob of approximately 150 individuals in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on Saturday, with over 21 being arrested and nine adults charged. The accused adults appeared before a Thessaloniki court Sunday, and 12 minors were released pending trial. The attack took place as the victims attended the Thessaloniki [...]


The UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group examined the human rights record of China, one of the 14 states reviewed during this year’s session, for the fourth time on Tuesday in a meeting at Geneva. The three previous UPR reports on China—which took place separately in February 2009, October 2013, and [...]


Last month, the self-declared independent republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) lowered its flag, opting to dissolve all state institutions following a months-long blockade by Azerbaijani forces that brought about an acute humanitarian crisis among its predominantly ethnic Armenian population. The republic’s demise was the culmination of decades of tension and periods of conflict between Azerbaijan [...]


On October 7th, 2023, the State of Israel was brutally attacked by the terrorist organization known as Hamas, instigating an all-out war. In the early morning of October 7th, Hamas terrorist fighters made their way into Israel from the Gaza Strip, invading and occupying Israeli towns, cities, and military bases. This surprise attack in Israel [...]