Search Results for: karzai

The former president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, called Sunday for the Taliban regime to allow education for girls and women. Posting on X to commemorate the 105th anniversary of Afghanistan’s independence, Karzai urged the people of the nation to collaborate in order to learn and progress. Since their takeover in 2021, the Taliban have been [...]


In the United States and throughout the Global North, people generally take for granted that law means state courts and legal institutions. Sure, people may opt out of certain government regulations, for example, by signing an arbitration agreement, but state courts can still step in if deemed necessary. This may all seem intuitive but globally [...]


JURIST EXCLUSIVE – Law students and lawyers in Afghanistan are filing reports with JURIST on the situation there after the Taliban takeover. Here, a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kabul offers his observations on recent activities of the Taliban Ministry for Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. For privacy and security reasons, we are [...]


The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) said Monday he was seeking approval to resume his investigation of war crimes in Afghanistan. Karim A.A. Khan had originally been authorized by the ICC to investigate “alleged atrocity crimes” in March. However, the government of Afghanistan at that time had asked his office to defer the [...]


The United Nations Security Council, on Friday, issued a strong condemnation of the deadly August 26 terrorist bombing at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, calling the attack “especially abhorrent.” Current Council President T.S. Tirumurti issued the statement from the Council following the attack, which left more than 170 dead, including civilians seeking evacuation [...]


Afghanistan's Independent Election Complaints Commission (IECC) said on Sunday that there have been more more incidents of serious fraud reported in the April presidential election than the previous election in 2009, when more than a million suspect...