Search Results for: burundi

Amnesty International (AI) released a briefing on Wednesday highlighting the ongoing repression against human rights under Evariste Ndayishimiye’s presidency in Burundi. The briefing released by AI, titled “Burundi: Rhetoric versus Reality; Repression of Civil Society Continues Under President Ndayishimiye’s Government,” details the ongoing suppression of Burundi’s civic space, particularly against journalists, activists for human rights, [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday accused Kenya’s government of not proactively addressing nationwide flash floods. The rights group called upon the state to fulfill its obligation to safeguard vulnerable groups, including children, the elderly, people with disabilities, and those residing in high-risk areas, from the adverse impacts of the ongoing floods. Citing evidence from [...]


Uganda’s Constitutional Court on Wednesday upheld most provisions of controversial legislation that imposes a sentence of death by hanging against individuals convicted of “aggravated homosexuality.” In upholding the Anti-Homosexuality Act, the court maintained that though the country’s penal code is “undoubtedly … considered to be a relic from the country’s colonial past,” the bill’s overwhelming [...]


Philippines President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. reaffirmed on Tuesday that the country would not cooperate with the investigation undertaken by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into the previous administration’s “war on drugs,” led by its former president Rodrigo Duterte, which allegedly took the lives of over 12,000 Filipinos. The Philippines became a party to the Rome Statute, [...]


Freedom House released its complete report on transnational repression Thursday where it accused Rwanda of being one of the worst offenders. Transnational repression is a phenomena where a country will suppress dissent and target dissidents outside of its borders. The report documented the anti-repression policies of nine countries: Canada, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, [...]


Caleb Keraka is a Staff Correspondent for JURIST in Kenya and a fourth-year law student at the University of Nairobi School of Law.  On April 8th in Nairobi the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) formally joined the East African Community (EAC) bloc by signing the EAC Accession Treaty. This came after meeting the requisite conditions [...]