Search Results for: EU

Amnesty International, along with 14 other organizations, issued a complaint on Wednesday demanding the French Social Security Agency’s National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) stop using a risk-scoring algorithmic system. The algorithm is used by the CNAF to flag overpayments and errors in benefit payments. This works with a scoring system, selecting individuals to be further [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) delivered its judgement Tuesday in the case of Daugaard Sorensen v. Denmark, which centered on the dismissal of charges against the applicant’s alleged rapist due to administrative errors by the Danish Regional State Prosecutor’s Office. The case involves applicant Emma Daugaard Sorensen, who reported a rape to the [...]


Over 40 human rights groups warned Poland’s Premier Minister Donald Tusk against implementing his plan to temporarily suspend the right to claim asylum in an open letter on Monday. Among the groups are Amnesty International, several asylum law organizations, and the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation. The organizations stressed that the fundamental right to asylum is binding on [...]


Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced plans Sunday to temporarily limit asylum from neighboring countries Belarus and Russia, sparking criticism from human rights groups. Tusk stated the plan responds to recent efforts by Russia and Belarus to coordinate the “mass transfer of people” across the Polish border, resulting in security and stability concerns that could [...]


A senior NATO official warned on Saturday that by unilaterally opening a bridge between Serb and Albanian neighborhoods in the town of Mitrovica, Kosovo could risk triggering violence. Admiral Munsch highlighted that the decision to reopen the bridge needs to take place at a political level within the EU-facilitated negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia. Munch [...]


The EU on Saturday expressed  grave concern over draft legislation in the Israeli parliament that would ban the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) from operating within Israel and potentially restrict aid to Gaza. The proposed bills, if enacted, would abrogate the 1967 agreement between Israel and UNRWA, terminating the agency’s operations [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday reported ongoing threats against Afghan women who had served in the police under the former government. While the current Taliban authorities are held responsible for these threats, the report also notes that policewomen faced sexual abuse and harassment while serving under the former government. The report urges countries that [...]