Search Results for: DOI

In this article, Sonja Rzepski, a JD candidate in environmental justice and clean energy at Vermont Law School  discusses the contrasting climate change policies of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. Harris is highlighted as an advocate for environmental justice, known for her litigation against environmental violations and support for clean energy [...]


Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan is experiencing severe human rights abuses, notably against women and ethnic minorities, amid socio-political and humanitarian crises. In this piece, the authors analyze the severe human rights challenges in Afghanistan, particularly focusing on the plight of women under the Taliban and historical patterns of gender inequality. They propose federalism as a [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported in a press release on Monday that as the climate crisis intensifies, some European governments suppress activist groups’ attempts to raise awareness about the issue. The report indicates a trend of increasing repression against climate activists across Europe. This alleged silencing takes various forms, including legal measures, restrictions on protests, [...]


Vietnamese authorities announced on Friday that they arrested and charged Truong Huy San, a prominent journalist, with violating the national security law by posting on Facebook criticizing the country’s government. Tran Dinh Trien, a lawyer, was arrested alongside San and faces similar charges. According to the Ministry of Public Security, San—whose legal name is Huy [...]


The UN General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution last week establishing a commemoration day for the 1995 killings of more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica and to formally recognize the event as genocide. Proposed by Germany and Rwanda, two countries with a unique history dealing with genocide in the 20th century, and [...]


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,”  so taught civil rights campaigner and feminist Rita Mae Brown. There is no more fitting maxim for the broken American system that in 2024 has allowed Donald Trump to return as a major political party’s presumptive nominee for its highest office. [...]


The US Department of Justice determined that Nebraska is violating the civil rights of residents with serious mental illnesses by unnecessarily segregating them into institutional settings. The case emerged from complaints by Nebraskans that the state was improperly subjecting mental health patients to segregation from general society, in violation of Title II of the Americans [...]