The Berlin Airlift, a US-UK effort to circumvent a Soviet blockade of allied-occupied West Berlin, ended on September 30, 1949. After the Soviet Union cut off supply access to West Berlin, the US and UK sent necessities to the enclave by air. The effort ended four months after the Soviet Union ended the Berlin blockade. [...]


The League of Nations Mandate for Palestine went into effect on September 29, 1923, granting the United Kingdom administrative control of Palestine. It also directed the UK to facilitate the creation of a Jewish state in the region pursuant to the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Learn more about the British Mandate for Palestine.


US spy Nathan Hale was executed on September 22, 1776 after he was captured by British forces during the American Revolutionary War. Hale went to British-occupied New York City to gather intelligence on military operations. He was captured and executed within a month, purportedly declaring “I only regret that I have but one life to [...]


US President Millard Filmore signed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 on September 18 of that year, obliging law enforcement to arrest escaped slaves in all US states, including those where slavery was not legal. Free black men and women were endangered by the act’s passage as they were at risk of being falsely identified [...]


The newly independent United States and the Lenape Nation signed a treaty of alliance called the Treaty of Fort Pitt on September 17, 1778. The treaty aimed to unite both parties in a fight against the British who still claimed the 13 American colonies. However, the treaty would not last as its terms were subsequently [...]


The Luzerne County Sheriff and deputies opened fire on a group of 400 striking miners in the town of Lattimer, Pennsylvania on September 10, 1897. Around 19 strikers were killed, and 39 were injured as a result. Luzerne County Sheriff James Martin and his deputies were later acquitted by a Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania jury after claiming [...]