On June 23, 1946, Canada’s first Citizenship Act received royal assent, establishing Canadian citizenship as distinct from British subject status. Learn more about the Citizenship Act, 1946 from the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21.  


An ABC News correspondent, Bill Stewart, was shot and killed on June 20, 1979, by a member of the Nicaraguan National Guard while on assignment in the civil-war-torn Central American country. Video of the execution-style shooting sparked outrage in the US and drastically reduced the country’s support for Nicaragua’s right-wing Somoza regime. Read a retrospective [...]


The US Senate passed the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 on June 19, 1964 following months of intense debate. The act mandated the end of racial segregation in businesses and public places across the US. Segregationists such as Senator Richard Russell vociferously opposed the legislation and began a filibuster in March that lasted until [...]


A republican uprising known as the June Rebellion was put down by French authorities in Paris on June 6, 1832. The rebels sought the abdication of French King Louis Philippe I, who assumed the throne two years prior following the overthrow of King Charles X. Louis Philippe would go on to rule until 1848 when [...]